A web site must be nurtured from the moment it goes live for it to be truly successful.

At Searchengineer we can significantly increase your websites web exposure and therefore also your potential customer count, using various professional web design techniques and monitoring systems available to us.


We identify just which keyphrases people are using in the search engines and engineer your site to score as highly as possible in the returned results.

Link Building

Link popularity is becoming an increasing factor in search engine positioning. We negociate links and possible banner exchanges with other webmasters on your behalf.

Special Interest Groups

We will identify hidden special interest groups and forums full of potential customers discussing topics directly related to your products and services. We know where these groups are and leading web business’ are already having success with this direct marketing approach. You can too with our help.

Site Optimisation

High rank means more visitors, but in order to out-rank other professional sites in your field you have to manually optimise your pages by re-coding them so that the search engines give them a higher preference for a particular search word. Our engineers will program your site for higher ranking without any change to the sites appearance.


We focus heavily on the major ‘feeder’ sites such as Yahoo, AltaVista, MSN, AOL Search, Lycos and Excite. These indexes provide listings for most of the smaller search engines also, ensuring you maximum search engine positioning across the web.

Statistical Tracker Reports

Full statistical reports monthly, offering a wealth of information on your visitors. We believe our tracking reports are amongst the very best available. Simply essential when planning any internet marketing campaigns.